SpaceX vs Blue Origin

September 15, 2021

SpaceX vs Blue Origin: A Space Showdown

Space exploration and space technology are at the forefront of modern science. Initiatives by companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin have revolutionized the industry with experimental and commercial space missions. Both these companies are at the forefront, but how do they compare against each other? Let's get our helmets on and blast off to a world of comparison.

Launch Vehicles

SpaceX's Falcon rockets are known for their impressive operational history. Until date, the company has successfully launched 126 missions, out of which 124 were successful. Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket, on the other hand, has been launched 15 times, 11 of which have been successful. When it comes to payload capacity, SpaceX's Falcon 9 can carry up to 22,800 kilograms to Low Earth Orbit (LEO), while Blue Origin's New Glenn can carry up to 45,000 kilograms.


SpaceX is known for its reusable rockets, making space travel more economical. The company has been able to reuse rockets fourteen times and use the same spacecraft for payload delivery and astronaut transportation. Blue Origin has also worked on reusable spacecraft, with the New Shepard's crew capsule they have launched supporting multiple missions.

Commercial Success

Both these companies have found success working with commercial and governmental organizations. SpaceX has contracts with NASA and has become the first private company to send astronauts to the International Space Station. Blue Origin has a variety of commercial customers and has partnered with NASA for different projects, including the Blue Moon Lunar Lander program.

Price Comparison

When it comes to developing rockets and space technology, significant capital investments come into play. SpaceX has raised more than $6 billion and has a net worth of $74 billion. Blue Origin, on the other hand, is known to have invested more than $1 billion into their project. Both companies have a similar focus on making spaceflight more economical.

Final Verdict

It is clear that both SpaceX and Blue Origin have come a long way in space technology, with unique features and mission goals. While SpaceX has a more successful track record of missions and is more invested in space tourism, Blue Origin has similar goals and is more focused on developing reusable technology through suborbital flights. Both companies have major contracts with NASA and other commercial organizations, and they have achieved viral success in their own ways.

So which one is better? Well, it depends on what you are looking for. Space enthusiasts can look to SpaceX for more diverse missions, while Blue Origin can help enthusiasts focus on developing reusable suborbital vehicles. With the drive for innovation ranging high, it is delightful to see multiple companies competing for space exploration in space technology.


  1. SpaceX. (n.d.). SpaceX Launches. Retrieved from
  2. Blue Origin. (n.d.). Our Mission. Retrieved from
  3. Bowden, M. (2021, April 29). Report: Blue Origin invests $1 billion in first year of commercial space work. Retrieved from

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